Seamers & Folders

Seemers are an essential tool for metalworkers as they allow for precision bends and folds when working in the field or in the shop. They also are a reliable tool for applying even pressure when closing a seam run. Folders are another essential item because they enable large bends over long spans without the need for a break.
Seemers and folder tools are available at thompson metal in dallas texas

Metal Folders

Folders are very useful in the field when needing to make a clean brake line without a brake. We use them regularly when making tough bends where a brake just will not work. Here is a demonstration of one being used. They come in several sizes ranging from 12″ to 24″ and are available at Thompson-Mathis Metal MFG.


Hand Seamers are useful tools for clean bends and closing open hems. Their extended handles provide leverage and pressure with ease. These tools are an essential found in any tin smiths tool bag. Here is a demonstration of one being used to provide a precision bend without bending the entire side on the metal.

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