Vents and Hoods

Vents are used to aid in a variety of areas. Vents can range from A/C ductwork to attic ventilation pipes, wall vents or roof vents. Vent-a-Hoods are a vent system used to divert heat, vapors, and fumes out and away from their source; primarily found in kitchens above stovetops. All of these and more can be fabricated in galvanized steel, copper, aluminum, painted steel, stainless steel and bonderized steel.
Custom fabricated AC vents can be done by Thompson Metal in Dallas Texas

Vents are used to aid in a variety of areas. Vents can range from A/C ductwork, attic ventilation pipes, wall vents, or roof vents.

Hoods (Vent-a-Hoods) are a vent system used to divert heat, vapors, and fumes out and away from their source; primarily found in kitchens above stovetops.

All of these and more can be fabricated in galvanized steel, copper, aluminum, painted steel, stainless steel and paint grip steel.

If you want to get more information about our vent-a-hoods products, please contact us online or by calling (214) 826-1630.